
A meaningful coincidence! A theme is "up" in our life. Now, everywhere we go, we see signs and symbols in the outer world that have an uncanny or mystical meaning to us. A "hidden impresario" seems to stage all the props to light up the person, issue or theme that is highlighted in our life. We wonder how so many things can come together, so synchronistically, to create so much magic. Everything around us seems to collude for giving us these symbolic messages or "coincidences." Radio shows, TV, movies, magazines, articles, songs, roadsigns, people, numbers, mail, telephone calls, conversations, and even license plates ... can carry signs and symbols that provide the props for our synchronicities. The hidden teacher who uses signs and symbols to teach or remind us.

The above text is an abridged version taken from The Guide to the Dolphin Divination Cards by Nancy Clemens